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How to Solve Logic Pro Rescanning Waves Every Launch

May 15, 2023

If Logic Pro automatically rescans Waves plugins each time it is launched on your system, learn how to solve this by removing all remnants of older Waves versions and installing only the versions you have licenses for.

  1. Quit Logic Pro.
  2. Launch the Waves Central and check to see if you have application via Applications > Waves Central.
  3. Log into Waves Central using your Waves account information.
  4. Go to the Settings tab.
  5. Under Maintenance, select all plugin versions in the dropdown menu, and click Uninstall.
  6. Click the Install Products page and select the My Products tab to see only the licenses you own / are demoing.
  7. Select all in My Products and review the selections in the Summary section.
  8. Click on the Install button. If you are activating licenses as well, the button will read Install and Activate.
  9. If you also own V9 licenses, refer to this page for installation instructions.
  10. Launch Logic Pro – it will rescan this first time and should not repeat this scan in future launches.

If this did not work, Contact Technical Support.