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How to Update eMotion LV1 Classic Console

Jan 22, 2025

Learn how to download and install software and firmware updates on an eMotion LV1 Classic console:

When eMotion LV1 mixer software and firmware updates for the eMotion LV1 Classic console become available, you can download them using the Waves Central application.

To install updates, follow these steps:

  1. Connect your eMotion LV1 Classic console to the internet. Refer to this article for instructions.
  2. In eMotion LV1’s Setup tab, press ‘Admin’.
  3. In the Kiosk window, launch Waves Central and login to your Waves account.
  4. Go to ‘Install Products’.
  5. If the Updates Available button appears at the top of the screen, free software updates are available for your existing software version. This will apply to eMotion LV1 mixer software, built-in plugins, firmware or infrastructure files. Updates Available button
  6. Click the Updates Available button. All products for which updates are available will be selected and shown in the list on the right. Make sure that eMotion LV1 Classic is displayed.
  7. When ready, click ‘Update’.

Firmware Updates

Some updates may include new firmware versions for SoundGrid servers or SoundGrid IOs.

To install firmware updates for your SoundGrid server/s or IO/s, follow these steps:

  1. After completing the update via Central, launch the eMotion LV1 mixer and go to Setup > Inventory.
  2. If the FW button in the I/O or Server slot is blue (non-mandatory) or red (mandatory), an update is available. Click the FW button and update the hardware.

    Note that updating firmware requires power-cycling the updated device. Please follow the on-screen instructions.

Update via Offline Installer

Please note: this method requires registration and access to the account the eMotion LV1 Classic is registered to.

  1. Launch Waves Central on your computer.
  2. Log in to your Waves account
  3. In the left hand side, select ‘Offline Installer
  4. Select ‘Create Installer
  5. Go to ‘My Products’ and add eMotion LV1 Live Mixing Console.
  6. In the summary column (right hand side), address any pending notices.
  7. Select your desired location for the offline installer.
  8. Once done, go to the offline installer location and copy it onto a USB storage device.
  9. Connect the USB storage device to your eMotion LV1 Classic console any free USB port.
  10. In eMotion LV1’s Setup tab, press ‘Admin’.
  11. In the Kiosk window, launch Waves Central.
  12. In the left panel, select ‘Offline Installer’.
  13. Select ‘Open Installer’.
  14. Browse to the offline installer location and click ‘Select Folder’.
  15. Checkmark eMotion LV1 Live Mixing Console.
  16. Click ‘Install
  17. Once done, power cycle the console: Exit Central and select ‘Restart’ at the bottom of the kiosk
  18. After eMotion LV1 relaunches, refer to the ‘Firmware Update’ section above to address any pending firmware updates.

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