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eMotion LV1 Tutorial 4.12: Mixer Utilities

Mar 01, 2017 | 3,792 Views

Learn how to use the eight user-assignable keys to control mixer actions and the vital mixer utility functions of the eMotion LV1 live mixing console.

In this video, we’ll look at some Mixer window utility functions. Some of these are vital functions; others are there to make your life easier.

Many mixer actions can be assigned to the eight User-Assignable Keys. Clicking on one of these triggers the corresponding action.

User-assignable keys are set in the U/I Settings page.
Common assignments include:

  • loading and saving sessions and scenes
  • navigating between channels and views
  • tapping tempo
  • and controlling channels and plugins.

The list of assignments is long. To learn more, refer to the eMotion LV1 user guide.

The shortened name of an assignment is indicated on its key.

Use the Mute Groups buttons to recall up to eight mute groups.
All member channels or busses of an activated mute group display a flashing mute button.

The keyboard button opens the operating system’s on-screen keyboard for text entry on touchscreen displays.

Alt and Control modifier keys are located above the keyboard icon. Use these keys when a mixer action requires a modifier, such as ‘Alt+drag’ or ‘Ctrl+Insert Plugin’. These keys are latching, so they remain active until toggled off.

The Lock Mixer button is on the right side of the Top Bar. The Lock function prevents unintended ‘structural’ changes in a session, such as adding, removing, or copying plugins; or changing external patches. Locking these controls does not affect parameters or internal routing, such as aux sends, or group or matrix assignments.

You can also lock the application interface, with or without a password. Locking the surface also prevents the eMotion LV1 application from quitting.

Mixer lock options are in the Mixer Settings page. You can also lock the application interface. With, or without a password. Locking the surface also prevents the eMotion LV1 application from quitting.

There are more controls and tools in the Top Bar. These enable you to:

  • Navigate to channels and windows
  • Use sessions and scenes
  • Talkback and solo clear
  • Monitor the network
  • Go to full screen mode

Watch the Introduction lessons of this tutorial series to learn more about the Top Bar.

In the next session, we’ll wrap up out tour of the Mixer window.You’ll learn how to use Links to lock together the controls of several channels. Plus, you’ll learn how to use DCAs to remotely control the fader values of several channel faders.

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