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eMotion LV1 Tutorial 3.7: Channel Window – Outputs

Mar 01, 2017 | 4,726 Views

Learn how to configure main and direct outputs in the Channel window of the eMotion LV1 live mixing console.

The Output section has two displays:

  • Main Outs & Internal Assignments
  • Direct Outputs

First let’s talk about the Main Outs/Internal Assignments panel.

The buttons at the top of the sections are used to assign the channel to up to 8 groups and 8 matrix channels.

A channel Panner affects all post-Panner source assignments. On mono channels, the Panner moves the source to the left and right. Stereo channels have 2 Panners that are used to control the Left and Right pan values independently. Adjusting them together is stereo rotation; Which moves a stereo image within a soundscape, while retaining its image and width.

Select or hold CTRL, and then drag to change the width. When the width is reduced to 0, the send is mono. Panners can cross each other, which reverses the stereo image. Moving only 1 Panner widens or narrows the stereo image asymmetrically.

The colored area between the Panners indicates rotation and width. A Yellow circle tells you whether the pan balance knob, or the rotator is being controlled.

When the Panner knob is touched, the box indicates values for Panner position, balance, stereo width, or stereo rotation. When the fader is touched, its position is shown.

L/R (Left &Right) output assignment is Post-Pan. M (Mono) and C (Center) assignments are Post-Fader.

There’s also a peak meter.

The Main Out mute button mutes all sends and outputs. The cue buss send is not muted.

Use this panel to assign the channel to any of 8 mute groups.

The LINK Panel is used to assign the channel to up to 16 links. Controls of linked channels operate together.

When a channel is assigned to a Link group, it is also assigned to a DCA fader, which can remotely control a group of faders.

Instead, “ghost faders” show the actual channel level as a result of the changed DCA fader position.

This button activates Cue or Solo for channels and groups. In Cue mode, selected channels and busses are sent to the cue buss. In Solo mode, the button activates Solo-in-Place, which mutes all other channels. The busses assigned to a soloed channel will not be muted.

Click the gear icon under the “Clear Solo” button to open the Cue channel control. This is where the Cue and Solo functions are set.

The keyboard icon brings up the operating system’s on-screen keyboard. Use this to enter text information when a hardware keyboard is not available. Alt and Ctrl modifier keys are necessary for actions like ALT+Drag, or Control + Insert Plugin.

These keys are latching, so they remain active until toggled off.

Click here to open the channel’s direct output section.

Add opens a drop-down menu of the I/Os and drivers that are assigned in the Mixer Inventory racks. Click on an I/O to add it to the list of channel direct outputs. I/Os that are already assigned are greyed out.

Delete removes an I/O from the list.
Use the “Delay Groups” drop-down menu to assign a selected I/O to a delay group. Mixer Latency Compensation must be set to “Delay Groups” for this menu to be active.

This is controlled in the Latency Compensation section of the Mixer Settings page.

This value box displays the user-defined delay of the selected delay group.

The I/O trim knob adjusts the signal sent to the selected I/O device. Trim level is displayed in the value box.

These buttons set signal flow source for output to all I/Os assigned to this channel.

  • INP     After input gain, before processing
  • PRE     Pre-fader, after processing
  • PST     Post-fader, after processing
  • PSP     Post-fader, after processing, after panning

This has been a tour of the Output Section of the eMotion LV1 Channel window.

In the next video we’ll learn about the Cue And Solo modes in the LV1 Channel window.

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